Martyrius-Sahdona: A Review of Sources and Studies


  • Maxim (Sudakov), monk Мoscow Theological Аcademy



Martyrius-Sahdona, «The Book of the Perfection», The Church of the East, Syriac Christianity


The review is meant for giving information about Martyrius-Sahdona as the author of the ascetic writings: there are considered the sources of his biographical information and the researches of his biography, the main manuscript sources of his writings and their editions, as well as the studies on the dogmatic and ascetic teachings of this author. The history of the studies of thought of Martyrius-Sahdona traces chronologically: the different views of researchers and the change of the prevailing opinions on the subject are presented. There are marked a fairly satisfactory degree of completeness of the study of this author and, at the same time, some unresolved issues and disagreement of researchers with each other.


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Author Biography

Maxim (Sudakov), monk, Мoscow Theological Аcademy

MA in Theology, PhD student of Мoscow Theological Аcademy
Monk of the Holy Transfiguration Skete of the Danilov Monastery of Moscow
Holy Transfiguration Skete, Podmoklovo (Moscow region) 142200, Russia


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How to Cite

Sudakov М. (2019). Martyrius-Sahdona: A Review of Sources and Studies. The Metaphrast, (2 (2), 159–179.



Essays and Reviews
