The Doctrine of the Wrath of God in the Works of Tertullian, Novatian and Lactantius


  • Naumenko Andrey L. Moscow Theological Academy



wrath of God, affects in God, Marcion, divine dispassion, biblical God


The question of God's wrath arose acutely in the Early Christian period for various reasons. This article deals with the works of three Latin Christian authors — Tertullian, Novatian and Lactantius — who formulated their views on the phenomenon of God's wrath. In each case, the context, arguments in defense of divine anger, attempts to explain its nature are analyzed. At the end of the article, a comparative analysis of the opinions of the authors is carried out.


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Author Biography

Naumenko Andrey L., Moscow Theological Academy

MA Student of Moscow Theological Academy Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

Naumenko А. Л. (2021). The Doctrine of the Wrath of God in the Works of Tertullian, Novatian and Lactantius. The Metaphrast, (2 (6), 58–78.



