Origen’s Exegesis as Evidence of the Constancy of His Universalist Ideas


  • Kaplan Ilya E. University of Bern




Origen, apokatastasis, universalism, eschatology, exegesis, First Corinthians


In this article it is argued that Origen did not abandon his universalist ideas in the late period of his career. In his monograph, Ronald D. Heine made some remarks in favour of the plausibility of such a change in Origen’s eschatology. Disagreeing with Heine’s position and using as evidence Origen’s interpretation of 1 Cor. 15, 24-28, the author of the article demonstrates that Origen always remained faithful to his concept of universal restoration. The argumentation is based on such works by Origen as «Commentary on the Gospel according to John» and «Homilies on Leviticus». In this article, a particular emphasis is made on the fact that a sharp sense of eschatological tension was intrinsic to Origen’s universalism.


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Author Biography

Kaplan Ilya E., University of Bern

MA in Theology, PhD student of the University of Bern
51 Länggassstrasse, Bern CH-3012, Switzerland



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How to Cite

Kaplan И. Э. (2019). Origen’s Exegesis as Evidence of the Constancy of His Universalist Ideas. The Metaphrast, (2 (2), 24–39. https://doi.org/10.31802/2658-770X-2019-2-2-24-39