Preface to the Treatise of St. Cyril of Alexandria ‘On Worship and Service in Spirit and Truth’ and His Role in Evaluating the Purpose of This Work


  • Krivonogov Ivan A. Moscow Theological Academy



exegetics, spiritual and moral meaning, Pentateuch, St. Cyril of Alexandria, treatise «On Worship and Service in Spirit and Truth»


This article is devoted to understanding the role of the Preface to the treatise of St. Cyril of Alexandria «On Worship and Service in Spirit and Truth» in de ning the purpose of this work. In the scienti c literature, there is no consensus on this issue. The overwhelming majority of researchers believe that anti-Jewish polemics occupy the central place in the treatise. Those who see in this work, rst of all, an attempt to expound the principles of Christian life, do not agree with them. For a long time, the discussion went unnoticed the discovery of G.-M. de Durand, who in 1989 rst published the Preface to the treatise. The article presents the translation of this text into Russian; on the basis of the information presented in the Preface, it is concluded that St. Cyril, on the basis of historical narration and allegorical interpretation of events, intends to reveal the essence of the peculiarities of Christian life and preaching.


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Author Biography

Krivonogov Ivan A., Moscow Theological Academy

MA student of Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

Krivonogov И. А. (2021). Preface to the Treatise of St. Cyril of Alexandria ‘On Worship and Service in Spirit and Truth’ and His Role in Evaluating the Purpose of This Work. The Metaphrast, (1 (5), 110–122.