Relations between the Russian Empire and the Orthodox Church of the East as Exemplified in the Collection of Greek Engravings of The Museum of Church Archaeology at the Moscow Theological Academy.


  • Anna L. Krasnova Московская духовная академия



greek engraving, The Mount Athos, monastery, Zograf, The Monastery of Vatopedi, The Esphigmenou monastery, The Skete of Saint Andrew, Saint Catherine's Monastery, The Burning Bush, Vienna, Venice, Slavic inscriptions


The Russ hasalways been supporting the relationship with the Orthodox Church of the East. As a result of these connections, we have a lot of icons and other gifts from The Mount Athos, The Saint Catherine's Monastery and others holy places. There are five Greek engravings in the collection of The Museum of Church Archaeology at the Moscow Theological Academy, which have inscriptions in Greek and Slavic. These engravings were to be spread in Slaviccountries. They are dated from the 17th to the 19th century. Some of them were made in Moscow. The images and the inscriptions of the engravings are the subject of a research presented in this article.


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How to Cite

Krasnova А. Л. . (2020). Relations between the Russian Empire and the Orthodox Church of the East as Exemplified in the Collection of Greek Engravings of The Museum of Church Archaeology at the Moscow Theological Academy. Church Art and Archaeology Review, (2 (3), 61–77.



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