About the Iconography «The Judgment of the Jews over Jesus Christ»


  • Khromov Oleg R. Московская духовная академия




iconography, West European engraving, Russian folk art, popular print, Greek engraving, church art


The article is devoted to the study of iconography «The Judgment of the Jews over Jesus Christ» (The Terrible and Bloody Judgment of the Jews over Jesus Christ) and its distribution in Russia. The author explains the origin of iconography, shows the connection of Russian iconographic options with Western European engravings, which served as iconographic samples for Russian prints. The article traces the development of iconography in Russia, shows its variants and shows their connection with the handwritten Legend of the «Judgment of the Jews», which was included in the lists of «The Passion of Christ» in the XVIII–XIX centuries.


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Author Biography

Khromov Oleg R., Московская духовная академия

Dr. of Arts, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, Professor at the Department of History and Theory of Church Art at the Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad, Moscow region 141312, Russia

Senior Researcher at the Russian Academy of Arts
21 building, Prechistenka St., 119034. Moscow, Russia

Principal Researcher at the Russian State Library
3/5 building, Vozdvizhenka St., 119019. Moscow, Russia




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How to Cite

Khromov О. Р. . (2021). About the Iconography «The Judgment of the Jews over Jesus Christ». Church Art and Archaeology Review, (2 (3), 29–36. https://doi.org/10.31802/BCAA.2020.3.2.002



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