The “Materials of the Church-archaeological Cabinet” as a Source on the History of the Church-Archaeological Cabinet


  • Grigoryeva Natalya I. Moscow Theological Academy



Church-Archaeological Cabinet, Archpriest Alexy Ostapov, Ecclesiastical Archaeology, Moscow Theological Academy, Patriarch Alexy I


The article is dedicated to an important historical source on the history of the Moscow Theological Academy Museum «Church-archaeological Cabinet», which is a mainly unknown typewritten collection of “Materials of the Church-archaeological Cabinet”. Alexy Danilovich Ostapov, Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy, later archpriest and Head of the Church-Archaeological Cabinet in 1955–1975, was the first one who started keeping record of a museum collection. The Materials reflect a life of the academic museum such as setting up its funds and an exhibition as well as its scientific activity. The work carried on even after Archpriest Alexy’s repose; however, it was less regular. Overall, there are 16 issues and the last one was published in 2005. The article analyses the materials published in 1955–1975, their history and a brief overview of the entire period. The research used both the materials themselves and extra sources like journals of the Academy Council, memoirs, diaries.


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Author Biography

Grigoryeva Natalya I., Moscow Theological Academy

Master’s of Theology
2-year postgraduate student at the Moscow Theological Academy


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How to Cite

Grigoryeva Н. И. (2023). The “Materials of the Church-archaeological Cabinet” as a Source on the History of the Church-Archaeological Cabinet. Church Art and Archaeology Review, 7(1), 120–130.



Collections of the Museum of the Moscow Theological Academy