From Chaos to a Collection. Creation of the Orthodox Church Museum RIISA`s Collection and Its Main Features


  • Pelgonen Ilona V. Orthodox Church Museum RIISA



the Valaam Monastery, the Konevsk Monastery, the Pechenga Monastery, the RIISA museum, Kuopio, evacuation, the Finnish Orthodox Church, Karelia


The article tells about the history of establishing the Finnish Orthodox Church Museum “RIISA” and about main features of a museum`s collection. The RIISA’s collection is formed of sacral objects evacuated during the Second World War II from monasteries of Valaam, Konevsk, Pechenga and the Karelian parishes of the Finnish Orthodox Church. This article is the first publication in Russian.


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Author Biography

Pelgonen Ilona V. , Orthodox Church Museum RIISA

Curator of the Orthodox Church Museum RIISA


Архив Ново-Валаамского монастыря.

Фотоархив Православного музея Финляндии «РИЗА»

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How to Cite

Pelgonen И. В. . (2023). From Chaos to a Collection. Creation of the Orthodox Church Museum RIISA`s Collection and Its Main Features. Church Art and Archaeology Review, 1(7), 69–86.



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