Evolution of an Image of Crucified Christ in Italian Painting of the XII–XIV Centuries, “Unimaginative” Prayer and Sensual Imagination


  • Borisov Vitaly A. Moscow Theological Academy




painting and icon, “unimaginative”, a prayer practice of compassio, imagination, separation of churches, a Byzantine tradition, church art


The article dedicated to the study of the relationship between spiritual practice and the nature of fine art considering an evolution of the image of Crucified Christ in Italian painting of the XII-XIV centuries. The author shows a correlation between some changes in style and iconography and a spiritual life of the Western church, for example, the appearance of a Franciscan prayer practice of compassio. The separation of the Eastern and Western churches was based not only on dogmatic differences, but also on fundamental differences in the practice of spiritual life. The Holy Fathers of the Eastern Church taught “formless”, “unimaginative “ prayer, warned about the danger of imagination and reverie in prayer. St. Francis of Assisi, in contrast to the Eastern Fathers, instructed his followers to rely on the sensual imagination in prayer. The desire to visualize religious experience led to a change in the role of fine art in spiritual life.


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Author Biography

Borisov Vitaly A. , Moscow Theological Academy

Painter and an iconographer


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How to Cite

Borisov В. А. (2023). Evolution of an Image of Crucified Christ in Italian Painting of the XII–XIV Centuries, “Unimaginative” Prayer and Sensual Imagination. Church Art and Archaeology Review, 1(6), 58–74. https://doi.org/10.31802/BCAA.2022.6.1.004