Editorial Team

Senior editor:

Nina Valerievna Kvlividze
PhD in History of Art, Head of the department of History and Theory of Church Art at the Moscow Theological Academy.


Oleg Rostislavovich Khromov
Doctor of History of Art, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts Professor of the department of History and Theory of Church Art at the Moscow Theological Academy.

Secretary of the Journal:

Ekaterina L'vovna Puganova



Irina Michailovna Zubrenko, Research scholar of the department of History and Theory of Church Art at the Moscow Theological Academy;

Valeriy Victorovich Igoshev, Doctor of History of Art, Senior-grade restorer of metal, Professor of the department of History and Theory of Church Art at the Moscow Theological Academy;

Archimandrite Luke (Golovkov), Dean of the Icon painting School of the Moscow Theological Academy, Associate Professor;

Inessa Nikolaevna Slyunkova, Doctor of Architecture, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences, Chief Researcher of the Russian, Academy of Arts, Professor of the department of History and Theory of Church Art at the Moscow Theological Academy.