Difficulties in Understanding and Translating of Gen. 11, 1–9 into the Greek (LXX), Aramaic and Latin (Vulg) Languages


  • Shablevsky Nicholay N., deacon Moscow Theological Academy




Babylon, targums, Septuagint, Vulgata, ,פֶּן־נָפוּץ, ,שָפׂהָ, לָשׁוֹן


This article is dedicated to the philological analysis of the biblical story about the building of the Babylon's city and tower. In the first part of the studying, the Masoretic text of Gen. 11, 1-9 was translated into Russian and was analyzed. Due to this, the key topics for studying were identified: the unity of language, technology and purpose of the building of the city and the tower, the judgment of God regarding to the intention of people; each of which is dedicated to a separate paragraph of the article. As a result, it became obvious that in translating this fragment from the Old Testament, the authors of LXX probably used methods of targumic interpretation of the biblical text, which clearly affected on the Vulg and on the St.-Fathers commentaries.


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Author Biography

Shablevsky Nicholay N., deacon, Moscow Theological Academy

PhD in Theology, Senior Teacher at the Department of Biblical Studies at the Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia



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How to Cite

Shablevsky Н. (2020). Difficulties in Understanding and Translating of Gen. 11, 1–9 into the Greek (LXX), Aramaic and Latin (Vulg) Languages. Biblical Scholia, (1 (1), 219–230. https://doi.org/10.31802/BSCH.2020.1.1.013



Biblical Philology
