The Study of the Boundaries of Christian Unity in the Writings of Fr. Georges Florovsky and Fr. Vasily Zenkovsky


  • Sinitskaya Mariya A. St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University for the Humanities



Archpriest Vasily Zenkovsky, Archpriest Georges Florovsky, Сhurch, ecclesiology, the boundaries of Christian unity, ecumenical dialogue, the unity of the Сhurch, schism, sacramentology, efficiency and effectiveness of the sacraments


The article is devoted to the history of the ecclesiological searches of Archpriests Georges Florovsky and Vasily Zenkovsky, Russian scholars of «the golden age» of national theological thought. The questions concerning the unity and singularity of the Church, the ecclesiological status of Christian denominations, the possibility and ways of gaining Christian unity become relevant again. In the spirit of the patristic teaching, the theologians resolve these issues through the prism of sacramentology as the key aspect of Christianity. In the article, as in the works of Zen kov sky and Florovsky, there are no ready-to-use answers to difficult questions, but there are examples of a high culture of theological thought in the complex and currently important field of Church Science. Exposure to the methods and methodology of modern theology is mandatory for students and everyone who is interested in the theological foundations of modern church life.


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Author Biography

Sinitskaya Mariya A., St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University for the Humanities

MA student at the St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University for the Humanities
23b Novokuznetskaya St., Moscow, 115184, Russia


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How to Cite

Sinitskaya М. А. (2021). The Study of the Boundaries of Christian Unity in the Writings of Fr. Georges Florovsky and Fr. Vasily Zenkovsky. Theological Questions, (1 (3), 183–191.



