“He Was Called in Kiev ‘A Humble Philosopher’”: Influence of Archimandrite Theophan Avsenev on the Formation of Philosophical Tradition in Russian Theological Academies: In the Interpretation and Evaluation of Fr. Georges Florovsky
Philosophy in Russian theological academies, Russian Platonism, Russian moral soteriology, moral philosophy, ethics, The Ways of Russian Theology, G. V. Florovsky, P. S. AvsenevAbstract
The article discusses the main ideas of Archimandrite Theophan Avsenev’s original philosophical system, which was significantly influenced by the philosophy of Platonism, Orthodox theology, and mystical schellingianism. According to Fr. Georges Florovsky, Archimandrite Theophan (Avsenev) can be called the most prominent thinker of the philosophical and theological school of Kiev. Having had a significant influence on the formation of the theological and academic tradition in Kiev, Archimandrite Theophan Avsenev formulated an original philosophical doctrine, whose main ideas were published after the author’s death in the «Collection of Lectures by Former Professors of the Kiev Academy… Published by the Academy on the Occasion of its 50th Anniversary» in Kiev in 1869.
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