The Neurotic Religiosity: Genesis, Presenting Features, and Management Prospects within the Eastern Orthodox Milieu


  • Velikanov Pavel I., archpriest Moscow Theological Academy, Sretenskaya Theological Seminary



neurotic religiosity, neurosis, pastoral psychology, pastoral theology, confession, absolution, spiritual guidance


The neurotic religiosity is a complex issue combined by religious faith and a range of human neurotic dissociations. Though widespread a phenomenon, it has not been enough addressed within the framework of Eastern Orthodox pastoral theology and religious anthropology. The author offers an analysis of origins and development of neurotic religiosity as well as its characteristic manifestations in a form that is meant to facilitate further theological study of the issue. Also, the author shares his vision of addressing the issue theologically and observes key points that might be considered by the clergy who provide pastoral ministry to persons with neurotic religiosity. The method applied by the author is based on using classical sources, including S. Freud, K. Jung, K. Horney, and S. Pfeifer, within a milieu shaped by some modern Eastern Orthodox researchers as A. Lorgus, J. Kornarakis, M. Filonik, and N. Skuratovskaya.


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Author Biography

Velikanov Pavel I., archpriest, Moscow Theological Academy, Sretenskaya Theological Seminary

PhD in Theology, Associate Professor of the Theology Department of Moscow Theological Academy
Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia
Acting Head of the Department of Pastoral Spiritual Care at the Theological Seminary Sretenskaya
19 / 1, Bolshaya Lubyanka st., Moscow 107031, Russia.


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How to Cite

Velikanov П. (2020). The Neurotic Religiosity: Genesis, Presenting Features, and Management Prospects within the Eastern Orthodox Milieu. Theological Questions, (2 (4), 13–37.



Pastoral theology
