The Concept of Neo-Patristic Synthesis: The Present Status and Chances for New Life


  • Horujy Sergey S. Institute of Philosophy of Russian Academy of Science; Novgorod Institute of Humanities State University of Yaroslav Mudry



Archpriest Georges Florovsky, neopatristic synthesis, Tradition, theology, religious philosophy, patristics, ascetics, hesychasm, neopalamism, Christian Hellenism


The present situation of the concept of neopatristic synthesis by Fr. Georges Florovsky is discussed and prospects for its further development are estimated. Principal stages of the reception of this concept are reconstructed, starting from its creation in the 30s of the last century. The main attention is paid to the last stages, on which the sharp criticism of the concept takes place. Critical arguments against the concept are systematically considered, and the following three of them are singled out as the most important: the unjustified absolutization of the Greek component of the Orthodox Tradition in the principle of «Christian Hellenism» by Florovsky; excessive and unjustified criticism of Russian religious philosophy of Silver Age; mistaken conservative position, which is oriented to the past, prevents any creation and innovation in theology and diverts theology away from topical problems of modern reality. Our analysis shows that the first argument must be accepted, but the second rejected. The third one is essentially invalid, but its study discovers that the concept needs to be made more precise and complemented. The «turn to the Fathers» must be conceived as the turn to the quintessential experience of the union with Christ, which is preserved in the Orthodox Tradition as the union of patristics and ascetics. As a result we conclude that the concept is not obsolete basically, but it must take a new form, which has two important distinctions: one must removefrom it the principle of Christian Hellenism, and include in it hesychast experience as the ascetic component of the Tradition. This experience, which is living and kept identically till nowadays, and has, moreover, rigorous organization, represents sui generis ‘genetic code’ of the Tradition. Provided with this code, the Tradition is literally the ‘Living Tradition’, by the ancient symbolic formula.


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Author Biography

Horujy Sergey S., Institute of Philosophy of Russian Academy of Science; Novgorod Institute of Humanities State University of Yaroslav Mudry

Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Principal Researcher of Institute of Philosophy of Russian Academy of Science
12 Goncharnaya St., Moscow, 109240, Russia
Professor of Novgorod Institute of Humanities State University of Yaroslav Mudry
1, Antonovo, Novgorod Velikii, 173014, Russia


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How to Cite

Horujy С. С. (2020). The Concept of Neo-Patristic Synthesis: The Present Status and Chances for New Life. Theological Questions, (1 (3), 44–61.