Review on: Khramov A.. Monkey and Adam: Can a Christian Be an Evolutionist? M .: Nikeia, 2019. 216 p. ISBN 978-5-91761-902-6


  • Gaginskii Alexei M.



The book by A. V. Khramov, Ph.D. in Biology, Senior Researcher at the Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, is devoted to a crucial topic under the rubric 'Science and Religion', namely the question of whether a Christian can be an evolutionist. It is hard to think of a more important and yet more problematic area to investigate. On the one hand, evolution has long been the generally accepted basis of biology as a science, but on the other hand, there is not only no unanimity on this question among Christians, but no adequate understanding at all of how evolution is compatible with the doctrine of creation. The most characteristic positions on this issue are well known and boil down to two main ones: fundamentalist creationism and theistic evolutionism. However, the author of the book under review proposes a middle way, called alterism.   Translated with (free version)


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How to Cite

Gaginskii А. М. (2021). Review on: Khramov A. Monkey and Adam: Can a Christian Be an Evolutionist? M .: Nikeia, 2019. 216 p. ISBN 978-5-91761-902-6. Theological Questions, (2 (2), 158–164.