Mystical Teaching About ‘Conscience’ in the Occult Concept of the ‘Fourth Way’


  • Lemeshev Oleg M., deacon Moscow Theological Academy



Fourth Way, Gurdjieff, Ouspensky, conscience, consciousness, mysticism, ecstasy, man, evolution


The goal of this article is to explore into the idea of “conscience” in the occult concept of the Fourth Way movement. As a research task, the author attempted to check the misleading creed of movement as well as to characterize them from the neutral side and give them a critical assessment from the point of view of the Orthodox theology. In addition, the author are highlights the means, by which the movement leaders seek to transfer personal responsibility for one’s sins to external factors that are not related to human life and behavior. The author explains the movement’s activities, which involve substitution of concepts as they seek to abstract Christian thought and to introduce false ideas into the Orthodox Christian terminology. The author argues that teaching of this doctrine leads not to conscience but to an ecstasy. The author concludes that the teachings of the Fourth Way on “conscience” have nothing to do with the Christian conscience as it they harm and deconstruct personhood instead of affirming it. According to the author, the issue has not been studied enough so far and requires further research.


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Author Biography

Lemeshev Oleg M., deacon, Moscow Theological Academy

MA in Theology, Postgraduate student of Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

Lemeshev О. (2021). Mystical Teaching About ‘Conscience’ in the Occult Concept of the ‘Fourth Way’. Theological Questions, (2 (2), 70–87.



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