Christianization of Rus and the Moral and Educational Mission of the Church in the Context of the Russian History


  • Platon Igumnov, archimandrite Moscow Theological Academy



God, covenant, incarnation, Church, grace, education, transfiguration, resurrection, life eternal


Evaluating the event of 988 as a momentous point of Russia’s history, the author links to it all major changes in lives of the Russians and other Russia’s ethnic groups. Theologically, the Christianization of Rus marked entering of the Rus’ people into a covenant with God and a new age of their history, the final goal of which is the upcoming Kingdom of God and the life eternal. The visible manifestation and historical incarnation of the covenant between the people and God is the holy church, which was founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ. Her actual purpose in the history of Russia as well as of other nations’ histories is to consecration, by the means of the supernatural God’s grace, of all spheres of personal, family, public, and political life, moral transfiguration of historic face of the people’s existence, and leading of all natural setting of existence into an order of incorruption and eternity. The leading role in this global historical process belongs to the moral and educational mission of the Church.


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Author Biography

Platon Igumnov, archimandrite, Moscow Theological Academy

Doctor of Theology, Professor of the Theology Department of Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

Igumnov П. (2021). Christianization of Rus and the Moral and Educational Mission of the Church in the Context of the Russian History. Theological Questions, (1 (1), 44–65.



Moral Theology
