The Theology of the Icon and the Image in the West Today


  • Vashchaev Vasily P. Moscow theological academy



Roman Catholic Church, modern theology of the Image, theology of the Icon


This article deals with the Western perception of the theology of the icon and the image today. As sacred images in this context do not simply retain the functions assimilated to them by the Council of Trent. But also become an important point of reference, a source of inspiration beyond modern art and painting. When, because of the concept of 'simulacra' and the proliferation of digital images in the late 20th and early 21st century, modern theories of the image are formed, reconsidering the relationship between the image and 'reality'.


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Author Biography

Vashchaev Vasily P., Moscow theological academy

MA in Theology
Academy, Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad, 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

Vashchaev В. П. (2024). The Theology of the Icon and the Image in the West Today. Theological Questions, (1 (11), 44–52.



Comparative theology
