The Theology of the Cathedral Icon as a Response to the Chal- lenges of the Reformation


  • Vashchaev Vasily P. Moscow theological academy



Roman catholic Church, Council of Trent, Theology of the icon


The article is devoted to the activities of the Council of Trent (1545–1563) in relation to the theology of the icon, which became the answer of the Roman catholic Church to the challenges of the Reformation movement. In the realm of this confrontation, the question remains to what extent the decisions and decrees of the Council of Trident were applicable and heard in European society, and influenced the flourishing of religious art in the seventeenth century. A review of the historical context and the resolutions themselves «On the invocation, veneration and relics of saints, and on sacred images» allows us to draw conclusions about their counter-reformation orientation, which influenced the further understanding of Western theology of the image. Which, however, could not radically change the vector of the West's movement «from the icon to the image».


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Author Biography

Vashchaev Vasily P., Moscow theological academy

MA in Theology

Academy, Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad, 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

Vashchaev В. П. (2023). The Theology of the Cathedral Icon as a Response to the Chal- lenges of the Reformation. Theological Questions, (2 (10), 41–52.



Comparative theology
