The theological Content of the Corpus of Holy Saturday Canons


  • Hieromonk Serapion Zalesny Moscow theological academy



liturgical theology, theological analysis, contextual analysis, Holy Saturdayliturgical canonsCosmas of Maiuma, Andrey of Crete, Mark of Otrant, nun Cassia


The article undertakes a theological analysis of the corpus of the canons of the Holy Saturday, which includes 6 texts. In the article, the author highlights 4 main themes reflected in these canons: the descent of Christ into the hell, the motive of Christ the Conqueror, the Divinity and the humanity of Christ during his suffering, the rest of the God on the seventh day.

In the orthodox worship of the Holy Saturday, the motif of the descent into the hell is one of the central liturgical recollections of that day. The most enthusiastic theme of the destruction of the hell is sung by St. Cosmas of Maiuma. When describing the destruction of the hell by Christ, we encounter a vivid image of Christ the Conqueror, who has overcome the devil and the death (St. Cassia, St. Cosmas, St. Andrew of Crete). The canon by St. Cosmas of Maiuma reflects a purely dogmatic theme: the inseparability of the Divinity and the humanity of Christ at the time of His death and burial. The themes of "the theology of Sabbath" occur only twice in the corpus of canons of the Holy Saturday: in the St. Mark’s and the St. Andrew’s of Crete.

The article uses the method of contextual analysis:  the theology of the canons correlates with the general patristic tradition and is placed in the broad context of the Church doctrine.


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Author Biography

Hieromonk Serapion Zalesny, Moscow theological academy

MA in Theology

Academy, Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad, 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

Zalesny И. С. (2023). The theological Content of the Corpus of Holy Saturday Canons. Theological Questions, 10(2), 25–40. PWG.2023.10.2.002



Docmatic Theology
