G. Vattimo’s philosophy as an answer for the problem of violence: from ethics to aesthetics
aesthetics, ethics, Gianni Vattimo, problem of violence, weak thoughtAbstract
The author of the article maintains that the key to understanding Vattimo’s theological concept is a certain ethical issue. In particular, this is about the problem of violence that eventually acquires an aesthetic dimension. The author argues that Vattimo’s philosophy must be read from the perspective of the problem of violence. Through this reading it becomes clear why Vattimo approves hermeneutic nihilism, why he equates Christianity and secularization, why he avoids and criticizes post-metaphysical theology suggested by Levinas and Derrida. The article formulates the main statements of Vattimo’s criticism of metaphysical thinking. The article also examines the kenotic aspect of Vattimo’s philosophical-theological concepts, which aspect constitutes the main point of his thinking about Christianity. It is obvious that the philosophical and theological discourses are closely connected with each other. So, the purpose of the article is to demonstrate how the problem of violence is solved in Vattimo’s philosophy which contains different theological concepts.
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