Attempts to Identify the Theology of Isaac Newton: A Critical Analysis


  • Ivan Timofeevich Regulsky National Research University Higher School of Economics



Arianism, Judaism, Maimonides, Newton, Socinianism, Trinitarian theology


The problem of identification of Newton’s theology emerged during the life of Newton himself. Previous centuries brought to life a few versions of what Newton’s theological identity was: Arian, Socinian. Puritan, Anglican, or Maimonidean-like. This article provides a critical analysis of those versions. The author concludes that none of them can be fully attributed to Newton’s theology. Newton’s views can be reduced neither to any Christian confession nor to Judaism.


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Author Biography

Ivan Timofeevich Regulsky, National Research University Higher School of Economics

PhD student at the National Research University Higher School of Economics

20 Myasnitskaya St., Moscow 101000, Russia


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How to Cite

Regulsky И. Т. (2021). Attempts to Identify the Theology of Isaac Newton: A Critical Analysis. Theological Questions, (2 (6), 67–80.



Comparative theology
