N. O. Lossky and V. N. Lossky: Synchronicity in Spiritual Genesis of Their Views in Religious Philosophy and Theology


  • Sergey A. Kolesnikov Белгородская православная духовная семинария, Белгородский юридический институт МВД России




N. O. Lossky, Orthodox theology, religious philosophy, Russian religious and philosophical thought, V. N. Lossky


The article attempts to correlate the religious and intellectual position of N. O. Lossky with the one of his son V. N. Lossky. The author presents a spiritual description of the father’s inner world in its correlation with the son’s theological system. The article outlines the main directions of N. O. Lossky’s spiritual development in the context of the formation of his religious and philosophical system and highlights the key points that determined his religious conversion. The author describes the birth of a son of N. O. Lossky — the future theologian V. N. Lossky — which became a turning point in the spiritual biography of N. O. Lossky himself. The article also attempts to determine the degree of spiritual significance and transformative effect of fatherhood.


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Author Biography

Sergey A. Kolesnikov, Белгородская православная духовная семинария, Белгородский юридический институт МВД России

Doctor of Philology, Vice-rector for Scientific Affairs of Belgorod Orthodox Theological Seminary, Professor of the Belgorod Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia


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How to Cite

Kolesnikov С. А. (2021). N. O. Lossky and V. N. Lossky: Synchronicity in Spiritual Genesis of Their Views in Religious Philosophy and Theology. Theological Questions, (1 (5), 147–161. https://doi.org/10.31802/PWG.2021.5.1.009



