Orthodox Theology Facing the Challenge of Our Time


  • Aleksey A. Lagunov Северо-Кавказский федеральный университет




functions of theology, methodology of theology, Orthodox theology, philosophical theology, philosophy, processes of secularization, rationalization of theology, spiritual experience, university theology


The article examines the main historical reasons why university theology entered Russian scientific and educational space no earlier than this century. The article also argues that Orthodox theology today faces a serious historical challenge: it not only has to determine its own place and role in modern society, but also to contribute to the return of philosophical thought to its previous religious foundations. According to the author, the rational-theoretical methodology of the university Orthodox theology differs from the methodology of the Orthodox theology which is based on the priority of spiritual experience. Together, however, they make up a whole. At the same time, university theology should remember that it is secondary and auxiliary as related to the Orthodox theology which is predominantly based on experience; the former should keep in touch with the latter. This will allow university theology not to break away from the fullness of Christian life and experience which fullness is only available in the Church. As a conclusion, the need for the formation of the Concept of the development of theological education and theological science in the Russian Federation is stated. The Concept should clearly define the functions of university theology. This will facilitate the coordination of efforts between theological (i. e. ecclesiastical, pastoral, non-state) and secular educational organizations.


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Author Biography

Aleksey A. Lagunov, Северо-Кавказский федеральный университет

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor at the Department of Social Philosophy and Ethnology


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How to Cite

Lagunov А. А. (2021). Orthodox Theology Facing the Challenge of Our Time. Theological Questions, (1 (5), 13–21. https://doi.org/10.31802/PWG.2021.5.1.001



Docmatic Theology
