Review of the Life Path and Pedagogical Activity of A. I. Anastasiev


  • Iona (Cherkasov), hieromonk Moscow Theological Academy



Anastasiev A.I., orthodox worldview, public school, missionary activity, teacher 's catechism, conversation of the pastor, Simbirsk diocese, priority in education


The article examines the life path and pedagogical activity of Andrei Ivanovich Anastasiev. He paid attention in his works to the learning of Orthodox teaching through the heart, not just the mind.Therefore, he supported teaching the non-Russian population in their native language. He advised teachers a way of teaching sincere religious feelings in children and the assimilation of Christian rules in life. He taught teachers a specific method of teaching —  a method that would represent a lively, sincere and accessible conversation of the pastor with his children. That was necessary for the missionary activity of the Simbirsk diocese, providing support to missionaries and parish priests in the conversion of gentiles from errors in the truths of faith, the establishment of the newly baptized in Orthodoxy, and the fight against the dissident movement in the province. An illustrative example of the conversion of a pagan to the Orthodox faith, when his internal mental and external change shows the results of the religious and educational ideas of A. I. Anastasiev. And studying his author's works at present could motivate a modern teacher to take a fresh look at the priority and basis in teaching students, building the entire complex of educational and educational work based on the Gospel commandments. I believe that the use of historical information presented in this work is also possible with generalizing studies in textbooks and lecture courses on the history of the Simbirsk diocese.


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Author Biography

Iona (Cherkasov), hieromonk , Moscow Theological Academy

Postgraduate student of the Moscow Theological Academy


Архивные документы

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Опубликованные источники

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How to Cite

Cherkasov И. (2022). Review of the Life Path and Pedagogical Activity of A. I. Anastasiev. The Church Historian, (2 (8), 188–199.