“The Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate as an Instrument of ‘Reconciliation’ of Orthodox and Soviet Identities Among Believers in the USSR in the 1940s–1980s”


  • Priest Pavel Lizgunov Moscow Theological Academy




Dual identity, history of the Russian Church, Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate, Orthodox identity, Orthodox pastoral care, reform of Church administration, Soviet identity, St. Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky, otherwise Voyno-Yasenetsky)


The article observes the issue of the «dual identity» of a Soviet citizen, Orthodox believer. The author focuses on the question how the Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate contributed to the «reconciliation» of Orthodox and Soviet self-consciousnesses (or, otherwise, identities) among the believers – citizens of the country. Author selectively observes the issues of the journal from its renewal in 1943 and until the end of the 1980s. The main attention is paid to such topics as: World War II; the activities of the Soviet Union for Peace and the participation of the Church in it; international activities and ecumenical contacts, as well as publications attended to demonstrate the positive relations between the Church and the state authorities. The author concludes that the numerous pro-Soviet statements of the periodical not only had a political meaning and not only demonstrated the loyalty of the Church to the state. They often demonstrated sincere support for the country and its politics and also had pastoral motives. The Journal helped to smooth out the internal conflict between Orthodox and Soviet identities among those citizens of the Soviet Union who were Orthodox believers


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Author Biography

Priest Pavel Lizgunov, Moscow Theological Academy

PhD in Theology
Associate Professor at the Department of Theology
at the Moscow Theological Academy


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How to Cite

Lizgunov П. и. (2021). “The Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate as an Instrument of ‘Reconciliation’ of Orthodox and Soviet Identities Among Believers in the USSR in the 1940s–1980s”. The Church Historian, (2 (6), 147–157. https://doi.org/10.31802/CH.2021.6.2.008