Jacques Paul Migne: A Biographical Portrait


  • Kholopov Sergey G. Ryazan Theological Seminary




Jacques Paul Migne, France, library, Church history, patrology, publishing activities


In the article is presented the life and publishing works of J. P. Migne (1800–1875). His life's work was the publication of patristic texts and the most important Christian and scientific works. His main publishing project was the creation of a universal religious library — «Bibliothèque universelle du clergé et des laiques instruits» («Universal Library of the Clergy and Educated Laity»), which included the works of the Holy Fathers of the Church, documents of Church councils, evidence of persecution of the Church, secular rulings. In addition, the library included materials from secular sciences, as well as encyclopedias and reference books. The article may be useful to all those interested in the personality of J. P. Migne and his publishing activities.


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Author Biography

Kholopov Sergey G., Ryazan Theological Seminary

MA in History, Lecturer at the Ryazan Theological Seminary Ryazan Theological Seminary, Kremlin 1, Ryazan 390000, Russia sylfers@gmail.com


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How to Cite

Kholopov С. Г. (2021). Jacques Paul Migne: A Biographical Portrait. The Metaphrast, (2 (6), 132–151. https://doi.org/10.31802/METAFRAST.2021.6.2.006



Viri docti
