St. Augustine as an Exegete in «The Interpretation on the Gospel of John»


  • Dobrotsvetov Pavel K. Moscow Theological Academy



St. Augustine of Hippo, the Evangelist John, «The Interpretation on the Gospel of John», exegesis, preaching, homiletics, christocentrism of the Bible


The report provides a brief introductory overview of St. Augustine's of Hippo large work «The Interpretation on the Gospel of John» (In Ioannis Euangelium Tractatus CXXIV ) which has not been published in Russian, the circumstances of its writing and reflection the personality of Augustine as an exegete and preacher in it. The author reminds the reader of the well-known difference between the so-called synoptic Gospels and the Gospel of John and points to the numerical superiority of the Old Church interpretations on the Gospel of Matthew compared to those on the Gospel of John, and also probably the first example of the interpretation on this Gospel in the Latin tradition. The specificity of Augustine's interpretation on John is determined by the fact that it is rather not a scientific-exegetical treatise proper, but a collection of sermons for a wide, though demanding audience. According to a number of foreign researchers the «The Interpretation on the Gospel of John» was written and pronounced in 406-418 in the Hippo episcopal period of Augustine's life and work. The report touches upon Augustine's general attitude to Holy Scripture and his variable symbolic approach to biblical exegesis in some ways. The article is based on the study of the text of the St. Augustine and related secondary literature on the subject.


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Author Biography

Dobrotsvetov Pavel K., Moscow Theological Academy

PhD in Philosophy, PhD in Theology, Associate Professor at the Department of Theology at the Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia


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Washington(DC): Catholic University of America Press, 1988-1995.

Eusebius Cesariensis. Historia ecclesiastica // PG. T. 20. Col. 45-906A.

Евсевий Кесарийский. Церковная история / вводн. ст., комм., библ. список и указ. И. В. Кривушина. СПб.: Изд. Олега Абышко, 2013.

Попов И. В. Труды по патрологии. Т. 2: Личность и учение блж. Августина. Сергиев Посад: СТСЛ, 2005.

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How to Cite

Dobrotsvetov П. К. (2020). St. Augustine as an Exegete in «The Interpretation on the Gospel of John». Biblical Scholia, (1 (1), 209–218.



Holy Fathers Exegesis
