Biblical Apologetics: Metahistory and Causal Retrospection


  • Mumrikov Oleg A., archpriest Moscow Theological Academy; St. Tikhon's Orthodox University; Kolomna Тheological Seminary



apologetics, meta-history, science and religion, sausality, space and time, exegesis


The Orthodox Christian tradition considers «natural evil» — the presence in nature of natural cataclysms, suffering and death as a consequence of the original sin of Adam and Eve. However, the scientific picture of the world objectively convinces us in the opposite — «natural evil» is an integral characteristic of the universe since its inception. With the theological and apologetic point of view this contradiction can be resolved when you look at the history of the world in the light of two events: fall of man and Redemption as a super- or meta-historical, which influenced the future and the past by Divine foresight. The author provides a rationale for the possibility of this approach. 


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Author Biography

Mumrikov Oleg A., archpriest, Moscow Theological Academy; St. Tikhon's Orthodox University; Kolomna Тheological Seminary

PhD in Theology
Acting Head of the Department of Biblical Studies at the Moscow Theological Academy; Associate Professor at the Department of Biblical Studies and at the Department of Theology at the Moscow Theological Academy; Associate Professor of St. Tikhon's Orthodox University; Associate Professor of Kolomna Тheological Seminary
Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia



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How to Cite

Mumrikov О. (2020). Biblical Apologetics: Metahistory and Causal Retrospection. Biblical Scholia, (1 (1), 17–25.



Biblical Apologetics


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