Saint Hippolytus of Rome in the Slavonic Tradition: An Analysis of the Interpretation of the Song of Songs in Manuscripts of the XIII–XVII Centuries
Hippolytus of Rome, Song of Songs, commentary, exegesis, soteriology, liturgy, Eucharist, agape feasts, Valentinianism, triadology, Christology, Church, Israel, conversion, repentanceAbstract
This article delves into the interpretations of Hieromartyr Hippolytus of Rome as presented in Slavic manuscripts of the Song of Songs, specifically focusing on the explanatory translations from the 13th to 17th centuries. The author acknowledges the ambiguity present in some of Hippolytus’ statements, which led to accusations of ditheism and subordinationism by his opponents. However, by understanding the historical context, including the heresies Hippolytus addressed, we gain a clearer understanding of his position, particularly his stance against the heresy of Noetus. The article concludes that Hippolytus’ primary goal in his interpretations was not solely the exegesis of Scripture, but also the creation of sermons for newly converted Christians. Through
these sermons, he aimed to strengthen their faith and unveil the mysteries of salvation. His writings exhibit a mystical style, which served to both engage his audience and align with the literary traditions of the time. Notably, his interpretations of the Song of Songs delve into profound soteriological mysteries, sparking debate among scholars even today. The symbols and allegories employed by Hippolytus have been echoed in subsequent interpretations of the Song of Songs throughout history.
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