«Kazan History» as an Apocalyptic Message: Peculiarities of Interpretation of the Text of the Work


  • Kostuev Eldar O. Moscow Theological Academy




Apocalypse, apocalyptic motifs, Kazan story, war narrative, Parousia


The article is devoted to the analysis of apocalyptic motifs, contained in the literary monument of the 2nd half of the 16th century. XVI century. «Kazan History». This work is considered in the context of Christian historiosophic ideas and eschatological expectations of the epoch. The time of The reign of Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible (1533–1584) is characterised by an increased interest of the authors of works of this epoch to the motifs and images of the Book of the Revelation of the Apostle John the Theologian. This process was connected with the growth of apocalyptic expectations in Russian society, which was a consequence of the corresponding historiosophic ideas. corresponding historiosophic ideas in Russian thought of this historical stage. historical stage. A kind of «expressor» of such “apocalyptic imperative” are the works of authors who lived in the conditions of the domination of these moods in society, among which especially stands out such a monument of Russian literature as «Skazaliptic Imperative». The Tale of the Kingdom of Kazan (or Kazan History). Created in the 2nd half of the 16th century. Created in the 2nd half of the 16th century, this historical tale is considered in the format of this article as a complex, multilevel work in which the author encoded an apocalyptic message for his contemporaries. It is stated that the strategy chosen by the author of the story allows him to realise the didactic function of his work in relation to the reader. Apocalyptic motifs apocalyptic motifs of the monument under consideration are analysed in the context of their division into three main groups: 1) Holy Battle; 2) Martyrdom; 3) Universal Judgement.


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Author Biography

Kostuev Eldar O. , Moscow Theological Academy

MA in Theology,
PhD student at the Department of Biblical Studies at the Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia




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How to Cite

Kostuev Э. О. (2024). «Kazan History» as an Apocalyptic Message: Peculiarities of Interpretation of the Text of the Work. Biblical Scholia, (1 (6), 85–95. https://doi.org/10.31802/BSCH.2024.6.1.006