Complex Hermeneutics of the Hexameron: Outline of the Concept


  • Ilya Neklyudov, priest Volgograd Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church



Hexameron, theology of Creation, exegetics, hermeneutics, natural science apologetics, epistemology, the complementarity principle, typology, anagogy, metahistory, iconological exegesis


One of the urgent tasks of modern theological science is to develop issues of theological understanding of the creation of the world and man, as well as the relationship of faith and knowledge. An important step in solving this problem is the formulation of an integrated approach to understanding the biblical narrative about the Creation of the world, within which it would be possible to systematize and harmonize the patristic experience of exegesis Gen. 1 — 2, as well as solving urgent problems of natural science apologetics. This article identifies the key prerequisites for the formation of a complex hermeneutic model, which could be considered as  a single paradigm of interpretation of the Hexameron. The author formulates groups of problems
of Hexameron theological exegesis and suggests ways to solve them within the framework of complex hermeneutics, which is based on the principle of perception of the sacred text as a «verbal icon» containing a sum of diverse meanings — moral, liturgical, typological, anagogic — requiring appropriate interpretation. The methodological basis of iconological exegesis is based on the principle of complementarity of Niels Bohr as a universal epistemological approach that allows to consistently combine various, even mutually exclusive concepts within one epistemological system, both of them can give the most complete idea of the object under study. On the basis of complementarity, it is possible to combine a dogmatic perception of the Hexameron and its understanding in the context of natural science data, while avoiding the flawed extreme of identifying biblical cosmogony and a science cosmological hypothesis.


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Author Biography

Ilya Neklyudov, priest, Volgograd Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church

Senior teacher of the Educational center for Church Specialists of the Volgograd Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church

Chapaeva st. 26, Volgograd, 400012 Russia



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How to Cite

Neklyudov И. . (2024). Complex Hermeneutics of the Hexameron: Outline of the Concept. Biblical Scholia, (1 (6), 54–65.



Hermeneutics of Holy Scripture
