Psycholinguistic Analysis Excerpts from the Book the Prophet Hosea, in Which Phrases Are Used «That Day» and «Great Dae of Jezreel»
Bible, Old Testament, psycholinguistic analysis, prophet Hosea, judgment of God, that day, great the day of Jezreel, day of YHWH, day of The Lord, exegesis, apocalyptic, eschatologyAbstract
This article presents an analysis of the phrases «that day» and «the great day of Jezreel» in the book of the prophet Hosea which are directly related to the subject of Judgment of God. In its turn the doctrine of God’s Judgment in the corpus of prophetic books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament is often associated with the concept of war. Most of human history is named by wars. The 21st century was not an exception. Recent news of military operations in the Holy Land has led believers into excitement. The current situation of the world community involuntarily refers us to the correlation of today’s circumstances with the apocalyptic prophecies of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments which again updates the theme of the biblical teaching about Judgment of God in the public consciousness. This research applies historical, philological and psycho-linguistic approaches to the studied excerpts from the book of the prophet Hosea. Analysis of the mentioned text was revealed 4 excerpts in which the phrase «that day» and once the expression «the great day of Jezreel» are used. In these formulations, when it was used in chapter 1 of the book, the prophet puts the meaning of the future punishment in the Judgment of God prophecy which will take place in the Jezreel Valley. In chapter 2 Hosea uses the phrase «that day» to refer eschatological times. Based on the metaphors accompanying the prophecies about «that day» and «the great day of Jezreel» and relating to the distinctive features of the Day of the Lord the considered phrases are appropriate to correlate with the theme of Judgment of God.
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