Beatitudes (Matt. 5:3–11): Logical-Semantic Analysis


  • Usoltsev Dmitry, archpriest Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary



New Testament, Gospel, Matthew, Luke, Sermon on the Mount, Beatitudes, textology, semantics, logic, rhetoric


The Sermon on the Mount of Jesus Christ throughout the history of the formation of Christianity retained its fundamental importance for understanding. Despite the large number of interpretations and studies of this passage, the need for a comprehensive study of the Sermon on the Mount is still high. In this study, we have made an attempt to analyze the Beatitudes according to the text of Matthew in comparison with text of Luke, the analysis of word forms, the logic of constructing statements, rhetorical features and other textual aspects that allow us to find new horizons of meaning in the Gospel text.


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Author Biography

Usoltsev Dmitry, archpriest, Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary

PhD in Theology,
Associate professor at the Department of Biblical Studies,
Secretary of the Academic Council at the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary

92 Michurina str., Saratov, 410028, Russian Federation


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How to Cite

Usoltsev Д. Е. (2024). Beatitudes (Matt. 5:3–11): Logical-Semantic Analysis. Biblical Scholia, (2 (5), 13–22.



New Testament Research
