The Linguistic Paradox of Self-Designation of the Phrase Ps. 127, 2 «τοὺς πóνους τῶν καρπῶν σου φάγεσαι» in the Daughter Versions of Septuagint
Phytomorphic metaphor, Daughter Versions of the Septuagint, addressee of Ps. 127, 2 (LXX), Sacrament of Marriage, καρπόςAbstract
The article presents a search for causes that prompted the authors of the Daughter Versions of Ps. 127, 2 (LXX) τοὺς πóνους τῶν καρπῶν σου φάγεσαι to the deliberate creation of the phrase «the labors of your fruits you will eat», where ambiguity is preferred over evidence. Interpretations of Ps. 127, 2 (LXX) Origen and St. Theodore of Cyrsky gives reason to believe that the Daughter Versions are an example of fixing the metaphor of the ancient Greek original, where in the context of Ps. 127, 2 (LXX) the lexeme καρπός is simultaneously interpreted as «hand» and «fruit». The resulting image of a fertile olive tree, the root of which is likened to the addressee of Ps. 127, 2, intersects with the future image of perfect Israel as a fruitful olive tree in Hos. 14, 6–8 (LXX). In Christian exegesis, Ps. 127 Greek and Latin authors repeatedly refer to the words of the prophet Hosea, including the passage Hos. 14, 6–8, where in the form of the root of the olive tree the prophet Hosea represents the forefathers and prophets of Israel. Orthodox marriage prayers of Byzantine origin can be considered in line with the ancient church Christian exegesis of Psalm 127, 2 (LXX), the addressee of which is called not only the forefathers of Israel, but also the Lord Jesus Christ.
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