Examples of Origen’s use of the Holy Scriptures to Instruct the Christian Community in the Homilies on Jeremiah


  • Kozhukhov Sergiy, deacon Moscow Theological Academy




Origen, Marcion, the Jews, Jeremiah, spiritual meaning, literal meaning, historical meaning, instruction


This study uses several examples to examine Origen’s method and exegesis for the edification of the Christian community. As St. John the Baptist is known. The Holy Scripture in the pre-Nicene period was almost the only and most important text for the justification of various aspects of Christian life, including spiritual and moral. A good exegete is a good mentor and a good shepherd. Origen often contrasts his interpretation with the Jewish and Marcion’s, which was very relevant in the third century. He considers the entire Old Testament history of Israel, the law, and the prophets in the context of the New Testament as a prototypes or analogies of the future. Origen teaches Christians to see the spiritual meaning under the letter, which is necessary for understanding the Holy Scriptures.


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Author Biography

Kozhukhov Sergiy, deacon, Moscow Theological Academy

PhD in Theology, Associate Professor at the Department of Biblical Studies and at the Department of Theology at the Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad, 141300, Russia



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How to Cite

Kozhukhov С. (2022). Examples of Origen’s use of the Holy Scriptures to Instruct the Christian Community in the Homilies on Jeremiah. Biblical Scholia, (2 (3), 187–199. https://doi.org/10.31802/BSCH.2022.3.2.010



Exegesis of Holy Scripture
