Trinitarian Personalism of Metropolitan John Zizioulas: An Analysis of Criticism and Examination of Controversial Points
John Zizioulas, triadology, person, hypostasis, essence, personalism, Jean-Claude LarchetAbstract
The article seeks to review some controversial points of Metropolitan John Zizioulas’s Trinitarian concept. His critics are quoted including J.-C. Larchet, J. Wilkes, Hieromonk Mefody Zinkovsky. Special attention is paid to such concepts as “causation”,“order”, and “the Father’s monarchy”. The author states the difference between Zizioulas’s theological language and patristic terminology. The author also points that in his theological system Zizioulas uses the term “nature”/“essence” in two mutually contradicting senses, that is non-enhypostatic nature and enhypostatic essence. Zizioulas can see only enhypostatic essence in the Holy Trinity.
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