The Concept of Forgiveness in the Works of Selected Philosophers: Divine and Interpersonal Aspects
Divine forgiveness, immutability, resentment, anger, interpersonal forgiveness, Yankelevich, pseudo-forgiveness, NietzscheAbstract
The article provides an insight into forgiveness according to selected philosophers from antiquity up to the 20th century. Brief remarks and comments are presented in the article with regard to individual views on interpersonal forgiveness. They indicate the meaning of the concept of forgiveness or the reasons that influenced the establishment of particular philosophers’ ideas of forgiveness. The notion of interpersonal forgiveness by V. Yankelevich is thoroughly reviewed and several forms of forgiveness are defined and highlighted inside of it: from pseudo-forgiveness to "pure" forgiveness. The article explores the ideas of these philosophers about divine forgiveness which are accompanied by short notes and comments. Also there are questions raised about the possibility of comparison, similarity and identification of interpersonal forgiveness with divine forgiveness. How to coincide the God’s forgiveness with His perfection, immutability? How is forgiveness, as a temporal phenomenon, possible with eternal existence of God? The answers to these questions are given based on the concept of interpersonal forgiveness as an image of divine forgiveness and the doctrine of transcendence and immanence of the God in relation to our world.
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