The Church Life in the Russian Diaspora as Described in the Diary Entries of Pyotr E. Kovalevsky
Christianity, diary entries, diaspora, education, emigration, France, identity, Orthodox Church, Paris, Pyotr (Peter, Petr, Pierre) Kovalevsky (Kovalevskij), Russia, spirituality, upbringing, students, youthAbstract
The article reveals some facts on the life of representatives of the Russian diaspora in Europe, basing on the diary entries of the outstanding Russian historian, religious thinker and researcher of the Russian diaspora, Pyotr Evgrafovich Kovalevsky. The author makes brief overview of the life of the Kovalevsky family. Special attention is paid to the active work of the Kovalevskys, especially that of Peter Evgrafovich Kovalevsky, and of their associates in educating Russian youth in France. The article provides interesting detail on the organization of the educational process in various educational institutions of the Russian diaspora, describes the process of changing of Russian emigrants’ generations and the problems associated with this process.
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