Anti-Religious Ditties in the Periodic Print of the 1920s


  • Kirichenko Konstantin, priest. Moscow Theological Academy



ditty, anti-religious propaganda, religion, Church, ideology


The article examines the anti-religious ditty as a special kind of folklore that emerged after the October Revolution of 1917. One of the reasons for the emergence of the anti-religious ditty is the socialist ideology which contributed to the emergence of a special type of human personality with ambivalent values. The editorial boards of anti-religious magazines, on the pages of which anti-religious ditties were printed, sought to show that the worldview of the Soviet man had changed and now speaks of a complete absence of faith in God, distrust of the Church and Her servants, and the final destruction of all religious ideals of the past.


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Author Biography

Kirichenko Konstantin, priest., Moscow Theological Academy

MA in Theology, Postgraduate student at the Department of Church History

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Academy, Sergiev Posad 141312, Russia


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How to Cite

Kirichenko К. с. (2020). Anti-Religious Ditties in the Periodic Print of the 1920s. The Church Historian, (1 (3), 192–198. CH.2020.3.1.010



Russian Church History
