Relationship between the Bishop and Clergy on the Evidence of the Early Christian Sources of the Late 1st–2nd Centuries


  • Kechkin, John E., priest Moscow Theological Academy
  • Ravlik V. V. Moscow Theological Academy



bishop, primate, pastor, presbyter, deacon, apostle, prophet, teacher, early Christian sources


The article reveals the ancient historical evidence about the relationship between the primate and the local community in the Early Church. Was the concentration of com man ding, teaching, liturgical and judicial power in the hands of the bishops, along with the subordination of church ministers of other degrees to them, a natural process of building a hierarchy, based on the teaching bequeathed to the Church by our Lord Jesus Christ and His holy apostles, or was the course of events proceeding in a different way, even with attempts to usurp power? This article makes an attempt to answer this and other questions.


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Author Biographies

Kechkin, John E., priest, Moscow Theological Academy

Candidate of Theology Associate Professor at the Department of Church History, Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141312, Russia

Ravlik V. V., Moscow Theological Academy

graduate student at the Moscow Theological Academy



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How to Cite

Kechkin И. с., & Ravlik В. (2020). Relationship between the Bishop and Clergy on the Evidence of the Early Christian Sources of the Late 1st–2nd Centuries. The Church Historian, (1 (3), 32–46. CH.2020.3.1.001