Soviet documentary film on the events of the Church from 1945-1988.


  • Goncharenko V.A. Moscow Theological Academy



Church, cinematography, film documents, Soviet cinematography, Soviet state, USSR, film art, religion, Christianity, international relations, religious relations, mass media


The article deals with the peculiarities of the Soviet documentary cinema about the life and activity of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Soviet state.
Cinematography is an important element of ideology and propaganda, that is why the Soviet state paid special attention to the semantic content of the released films. Despite the atheistic ideology and the mass of anti-religious literature and films, from 1945 onwards, the Soviet Union made films, which presented the existence and work of the Church in a neutral or even positive light.
At the beginning of the article the author reflects on the place and importance of cinematography in the life of society and the state. The author then examines and analyses documentaries which deal with the life and activities of the Russian Orthodox Church.


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Author Biography

Goncharenko V.A., Moscow Theological Academy

II year student in the ecclesiastical history department of the MDA

141300, Sergiev Posad, Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Academy


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How to Cite

Goncharenko В. (2019). Soviet documentary film on the events of the Church from 1945-1988. The Church Historian, (1 (1), 236–248.



Russian Church History
