Creation of the World Council of Churches (WCC) and its first assembly in Amsterdam


  • Pismeniuk I.N., Priest. Moscow Theological Academy



The ecumenism, ecumenical movement, Protestantism, history of Christianity, Church, Orthodoxy, inter-Christian relations


The article by Ilya Nikolaevich Pismenyuk, lecturer in the Department of Church History, is devoted to the creation of the largest inter-Christian and ecumenical organization of the 20th century. - The World Council of Churches (WCC). In the article the author describes the process of the gradual institutionalization of the ecumenical movement: the unification of ecumenical initiatives in their activities and the reasons that prompted the final centralization of ecumenism under a unified body. Special attention is given to the development of the constitution and administrative structure of the WCC and its first General Assembly in Amsterdam, which formed the basis for the unification of various ecumenical initiatives as well as many Christian denominations within the WCC.


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Author Biography

Pismeniuk I.N., Priest., Moscow Theological Academy

Master of Theology, lecturer in the Ecclesiastical History Department of the MDA

141300, Сергиев Посад, Троице-Сергиева Лавра, Академия


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How to Cite

Pismeniuk И. (2019). Creation of the World Council of Churches (WCC) and its first assembly in Amsterdam. The Church Historian, (1 (1), 46–56.



History of Christianity
