Successors of the apostles and witnesses to the truth


  • Kozlov M.E., Archpriest Educational Committee of the Russian Orthodox Church; Moscow Theological Academy



Orthodoxy, Church, Ecumenical Council, Apostles, Bishop, consecration, ordination, synodality, ministry, succession


The article "Successors of the Apostles and Witnesses to the Truth" deals with various aspects of the bishop's ministry. The problem of the ordination of bishops is highlighted. Using the method of historical analysis, based on the Scriptures, the Rules of the Apostles, the decrees of the Ecumenical and Local Councils, and a review of the patristic heritage, it is argued that since the first Christian communities, neither presbyters, deacons nor laymen have had the right to ordain bishops. It emphasizes that ordination was always the prerogative of the bishops themselves, with strict observance of the succession of ordination from the apostles. The article discusses the term "consecration" and explains its double meaning - ordination and the ancient election of a candidate for bishop ministry, which took place through the show of hands. Much attention is given to the description of the consecration of a bishop and its liturgical development. The final part of the article analyses the requirements for a bishop in his ministry as archpastor and witness to the truth, especially in modern times, and reviews the concept of synodality as an integral part of Orthodoxy. The purpose of this study is to draw attention to the vital importance of the episcopate for the Church and to the responsibility of the archpastoral ministry.


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Author Biography

Kozlov M.E., Archpriest, Educational Committee of the Russian Orthodox Church; Moscow Theological Academy

D. in Theology, Professor, Department of Ecclesiastical History, Moscow Theological Academy   141300, Sergiev Posad, Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Academy   Chairman of the Educational Committee of the Russian Orthodox Church   119334, Moscow, Andreevskaya nab. 2



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How to Cite

Kozlov М. (2019). Successors of the apostles and witnesses to the truth. The Church Historian, (1 (1), 10–27.