Teaching and education Process in the Belev Diocesan Women's School


  • Vel'chev G.S. Moscow Theological Academy




Tula diocese, diocesan women's school, Belev, education process, education


The article is devoted to the process of education and training of pupils of the Belevsky diocesan women's school. The opening of diocesan women's colleges in the Russian Empire was an important milestone in the development of both spiritual and secular education. Despite the fact that these educational institutions were estates, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of the emergence of women's schools in the life of pre-revolutionary clergy, whose education available to the children of clergy and clergy significantly raised the level of education of the clergy families and brought them somewhat closer to the intelligentsia. These educational establishments were set up mainly in the women's monasteries administered by the Holy Synod or under the direction of the local diocesan bishop: the foundation of these schools was in most cases provided by the monastic asylums. The maintenance of these schools was funded by the diocese, as well as by individual donations. The status of the school was determined by the possibility of organising the teaching and educational process in accordance with the Statutes of the diocese.
The status of the school was determined by its ability to organise the educational process in accordance with the Statutes of the diocesan women's colleges, which, in turn, depended to a great extent on the solution of the problem of financing. The reader learns about the internal daily routine of students, the strictly religious and moral upbringing of girls, the daily schedule of classes, the subjects taught in the school, the homework given to them for self-study, and leisure activities organized for students outside of school hours.


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Author Biography

Vel'chev G.S., Moscow Theological Academy

Master of Theology, Postgraduate student at Moscow Theological Academy   141300, Sergiev Posad, Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Academy   george.velchev1991@gmail.com


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How to Cite

Vel’chev Г. С. (2020). Teaching and education Process in the Belev Diocesan Women’s School. The Church Historian, (2 (2), 276–285. https://doi.org/10.31802/CHIST.2019.2.2.015