From the history of the veneration and creation of the St. Luke's (Voyno-Yasenetsky) Memorial Museum Luka (Vojno-Jasenetsky) in Tambov


  • Viktor Lisiynin Tambov Theological Seminary



St. Luke (Vojno- Yasenetsky), Tambov diocese, people's museum, narrative source, memorialisation, veneration tradition, populism, mythologisation


From the history of the tradition of veneration and creation of the Folk Memorial Museum of St. Luka (Vojno-Jasenetsky) in Tambov. In the article the history of creation of the Folk Memorial Museum of St. Luka (Vojno-Jasenetsky) in Tambov is analyzed as a logical consequence of the tradition of veneration of the saint, which originated at the time of his tenure in the Tambov Cathedral. The main thesis of the study is argued with the facts revealed during the study of archival and narrative evidence. A museological methodology is also used, which allows one to get an idea of the Tambov period of the saint's life on the basis of the identification and attribution of memorials. Projects, programmes, grants, conferences, expositions and exhibitions timed to commemorative dates related to the period of the archbishop's service to the Tambov Cathedral are a way to preserve and popularise the spiritual heritage of the saint. The period of life of Archbishop Luke (Voyno-Yasenetsky) in Tambov marked the beginning of the process of revival of church life, and also became a period of flourishing of professional and spiritual talents of the saint, public recognition by the Russian and international community. The conflicting nature of the relationship between the Tambov bishop and the archbishop is seen as a result of a fundamental misunderstanding of the role of the Church in the life of the people, as well as a lack of a legal basis for the activities of the Orthodox clergy during the brief warming of relations between the state and the Church in 1943-1946. The sacral memorial to the Orthodox history of the Tambov region is the Intercession Cathedral in Tambov, where the holy relics were gathered by the Archbishop from many closed churches; where the devoted followers of Patriarch Tikhon found shelter; where the spiritual environment which preserved the traditional Orthodox spirituality was created. The creation of the People's Museum is the result of God's will for the pastor, who gave himself up to serve the suffering people. His people's aspirations can be seen in his choice of profession, his selfless service in hospitals and zemstvo hospitals, his involvement in the suffering of the people during the years of exile, and so on. The information collected by the first biographer of the saint, M. Popovsky, who visited Tambov in spring 1971, was specified and corrected based on narrative and archival evidence. On the whole, memorialisation as a way of preserving and popularising spiritual heritage is a promising topic of scientific research.


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Author Biography

Viktor Lisiynin, Tambov Theological Seminary

D. in History, Head of Biblical Studies Department, Tambov Theological Seminary   392002, Tambov, V. Tereshkova St., 6.



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How to Cite

Lisiynin В. (2020). From the history of the veneration and creation of the St. Luke’s (Voyno-Yasenetsky) Memorial Museum Luka (Vojno-Jasenetsky) in Tambov. The Church Historian, (2 (2), 242–263.