The state and legal position of the Russian Orthodox Church in princely and tsarist Russia


  • N.D. Shikher Moscow Theological Academy



Legal status of the Russian Orthodox Church, Church and state, secular and church law, law and morality, church and society, orthodoxy, religious Religious organization


The article deals with the formation of the Russian Orthodox Church as a religious organization in Russia. The historical analysis takes the period from the 10th century to the 19th century inclusive. The Russian Church was created and supported by the state, and even during the Mongol-Tatar yoke it was in a free standing. After the separation from Constantinople and the reception of autocephaly the Russian Orthodox Church became even more powerful and influential. No important state action was undertaken without the Church's blessing. All Russian tsars and princes up to XVIII century considered Russian metropolitans and patriarchs as absolute moral authorities, they consulted them on any matters of state. With the abolition of the patriarchate and the establishment of the synodal authority the influence of the Church was somewhat weakened, its independence was shaken, subordinate to the authority of the emperor. However, despite this, it remained the only religious organisation recognised by the state and even included in the state-legal structure. It is difficult to overestimate the influence of the Russian Orthodox Church on the state: it is enormous. Up until the 20th century, no religious association had not only no relations with the state, but was not recognized as legitimate and was often subjected to repression. Only the Russian Church had a monopoly on both power and legislation. All the basic moral and canonical rules were laid down as the basis of the Russian legal system. For a whole millennium Orthodoxy was the only official state religion.


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Author Biography

N.D. Shikher, Moscow Theological Academy

Postgraduate student at the Moscow Theological Academy   141300, Sergiev Posad, Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Academy


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How to Cite

Shikher Н. Д. (2020). The state and legal position of the Russian Orthodox Church in princely and tsarist Russia. The Church Historian, (2 (2), 203–220.