From the history of the Tsar's chambers at Trinity-Sergius Lavra during Soviet times


  • Kholodkova Nina V. Sergiev Posad State Historical and Art Museum-Reserve



The article deals with the history of the existence of the building of the Holy Royal Rooms of the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra during the Soviet period, since the nationalization of the Lavra (1918) up to its complete transfer under the authority of the Moscow Patriarchate (1954). During this time the building was occupied by various organizations: a museum, a military department, a pedagogical technicum, a teachers' institute, a hospital, the Academy of Arts, a city theatre, and an art and crafts school. This article is the first attempt to give a fuller account of the existence of these organizations in a unique monument. The story is based on documentary material and the memories of eyewitnesses of those years.  


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Author Biography

Kholodkova Nina V., Sergiev Posad State Historical and Art Museum-Reserve

Leading Researcher at the Department "History and Culture of the Sergiev Posad Region, XIV-XIX Centuries". Sergiev Posad State Historical and Art Museum-Reserve
141300, Sergiev Posad, Sergiev Posad State Historical and Art Museum-Reserve


Архив Сергиево-Посадского государственного историко-художественного музея-заповедника (Архив СМПЗ)

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How to Cite

Kholodkova Н. В. (2020). From the history of the Tsar’s chambers at Trinity-Sergius Lavra during Soviet times. The Church Historian, (2 (2), 47–70.