Proselytising activity of the Greek Catholic Metropolis of Galicia on the canonical territory of the Russian Orthodox Church in the first quarter of the 20th century


  • Timofey (Yasenitsky), hieromonk Kolomna Theological Seminary



Galician Greek Catholic archdiocese, archdiocese, proselytism, Russian Empire, Russian Orthodox Church, Russian Socialist Soviet Socialist Republic, Russian Federative Soviet Republic, Russian Exarchate of Eastern-Rite Catholics, Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic


This article assesses the proselytizing activity of the Greek Catholic Metropolis of Galicia on the canonical territory of the Russian Orthodox Church in the first quarter of the 20th century. Metropolitan Andrey (Sheptytskyi), the first-hierarch of the Galician Uniates, for many years participated in the creation of illegal Greek Catholic structures in the Russian Empire. The collapse of the monarchical system and the political crisis of 1917 contributed to the Unitarians' temporary success: at that time the Russian Exarchate of Catholics of the Eastern rite was established and several Uniate parishes in Novorossia and Little Russia were founded. In the historical perspective, however, the beginning of the Soviet anti-religious campaigns completely negated all the results of the Unitarian activity on the territory of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic and the Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic.   Translated with (free version)


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Author Biography

Timofey (Yasenitsky), hieromonk, Kolomna Theological Seminary

Doctor of Church History Vice-Rector for Research, Kolomna Theological Seminary

140406, Moscow Region, Kolomna, 11 Golutvinskaya Street, Staro-Golutvinsky Bogoyavlensky Monastery


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How to Cite

Yasenitsky Т. (2020). Proselytising activity of the Greek Catholic Metropolis of Galicia on the canonical territory of the Russian Orthodox Church in the first quarter of the 20th century. The Church Historian, (2 (2), 8–19.